Skuteczność: identyfikuje 96% pozytywnych próbek od osób, o których wiadomo, że mają objawy i 100% pozytywnych próbek od osób bez objawów
Category: Research and opinions
14 May 202114 November 2022Research and opinions
How Severe COVID-19 Can Tragically Lead to Lung Failure and Death
14 April 202114 May 2021Research and opinions
Joint CDC and FDA Statement on Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
21 March 202114 November 2022Research and opinions
New coronavirus variant found in France is undetectable by PCR tests
11 March 202111 July 2021Research and opinions
COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen is now authorised across the EU
9 March 202114 November 2022Research and opinions
Israeli Study Offers First Real-World Glimpse of COVID-19 Vaccines in Action
5 March 202114 May 2021Research and opinions
Cue COVID-19 – First Molecular Non-Prescription, At-Home Test
4 March 202114 November 2022Research and opinions